Morning Corner 1.20.11

BAC (weekly info)
new high 15.25
high= 15.25
rev= 13.06; mid= 14.16

Not to promising having a bearish harami confirmation two days before earnings. Could it be a head fake? Will they reduce loan loss provisions? Will they come clean about defective MBS's? Will the MSM ever ask them the hard questions? Ignore the truth and BTFD?

Currency Comparison
% change of currencies and gold from January 2007 to present. Most currencies seem to have flatlined while gold continues higher.

As the Superbowl approaches sometimes you realize "It's good to have a ring"…


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karen said...

i take it goog earnings not bte?

awaiting cap one..

Anonymous said...

The BLANKFIEND mocha latte, $4 and up, charge whatever..
The MIDDLE MARKET brew, $1.50-$2, going up steadily.
The REGULAR JOE is fixed at $1. That's all the market will bear.
Middle market: squeezed very tightly.
Upper market: Price insensitive, careless abandon.
Lower end market: Tight and nothing more to give.

much, too much, like that..


karen said...

ISRG makes aapl look cheap!

d*mn it ben, i posted that at 3:56pm !!

Anonymous said...


FFR(for future reference) it need not be 'in the Valley'

other locales can, easily, work..even, 'Henville' isn't far off..

just, drop a line, if it moves you


Matthew said...

Watching this market is like watching a smoking hot amazon woman slowly lower a chocolate covered strawberry into my mouth. As the long bond continues to come down... Oh! Yes! It's practically orgasmic.

A fixed income analyst to be named later said...

The Bond Report 1.20.11

After Matthew's description of the fixed income market above, further commentary from us would be superfluous....

Corpies: LQD -0.43%; AGG -0.38%; JNK 0.03%; HYG -0.20%
Govies: TLT -1.38%; IEI -0.44%; TIP -0.95%
Munis: IQI 3.10%; MUB -0.04%
Mortgages: MBB -0.26%
Hedgies: TBT 2.54%

We added 2% of TLT.

As of now we are HYG 17% LQD 3% AGG 10% TIP 5% TLT 4% (FI = 39%)
Equity longs are 14%, and we have a 3% widowmaker in play.

Anonymous said...

Index S&P 500 P/E 34.58 EPS (ttm) 8.40 Insider Own 1.27% Shs Outstand 39.29M Perf Week 3.37%
Market Cap 11.41B Forward P/E 28.04 EPS next Y 10.36 Insider Trans -24.95% Shs Float 38.79M Perf Month 9.29%
Income 338.15M PEG 1.40 EPS next Q 2.25 Inst Own 88.16% Short Float 7.30% Perf Quarter 4.09%
Sales 1.35B P/S 8.47 EPS this Y 15.99% Inst Trans 0.09% Short Ratio 5.25 Perf Half Y -8.11%
Book/sh 51.10 P/B 5.68 EPS next Y 19.35% ROA 16.95% Target Price 318.85 Perf Year -6.00%
Cash/sh 24.97 P/C 11.63 EPS next 5Y 24.65% ROE 19.90% 52W Range 246.05 - 393.92 Perf YTD 12.69%
Dividend - P/FCF 26.82 EPS past 5Y 54.62% ROI 19.12% 52W High -26.42% Beta 1.56
Dividend % - Quick Ratio 4.55 Sales past 5Y 49.95% Gross Margin 72.85% 52W Low 17.79% ATR 6.67
Employees 1263 Current Ratio 4.87 Sales Q/Q 22.94% Oper. Margin 39.35%

AmenRa said...

For a day that started off very bearish to close down only 0.13% is not a good feeling.

A fixed income analyst to be named later said...

Another day, another dollar..

We had our stops set well for once. Experience is the best teacher.
Let's see what kind of set-ups tomorrow will deliver.

Next week, 2s, 5s and 7s. Then the GDP on Friday. Tactically, we are thinking that TPTB pump up the inflation and growthy talk into the auctions, get them off at higher yields, gun the spooz again and then GDP disappoints.

So we would be buyers of Ts in the belly, in the middle of next week, and then we would be buyers of the long end at the February auction. We don't really buy the strong jobs recovery idea, but the Feb ADP might perhaps push long yields out even further, perhaps to 4.8%.

Equity-wise, we will be shorting China, EMs, PMs, miners at the drop of a hat, or the hint of a hike.

karen said...

isrg is one hot stock.. up 33 pts in ah..

Anonymous said...

K really enjoys a hot stock...

karen said...

COF down .70 or 1.48%

i wonder if ISRG will do an AAPL tomorrow. GOOG, too.

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