A place where a skillful caddy always offers cool contemplation when it comes to your "stick" selection.

Creditcane™: That short selling ban will increase my wrath exponentially.

Bullish short day. Midpoint below EMA(10). Still below all SMA's. Held above the 61.8% retrace (1168.03). No daily 3LB changes (reversal is 1254.05). QE2infinity. In an uptrend this would be an evening star. Still below daily, weekly & monthly 3LB mids.

Spinning top day. Midpoint above EMA(10). Holding its 0.0% retrace (73.51). Tested and failed 50.0% minor retrace (74.67). Still below SMA(55) & SMA(89). No daily 3LB changes (reversal is 75.75).

Spinning top day. Midpoint above EMA(10). Way above all SMA's. Failed its 0.0% retrace (39.25). Tested and held its 38.2% minor retrace (35.61). No daily 3LB changes (reversal is 25.25). Ran away from the "extreme fear" zone.

Bearish short day (confirmed dark cloud cover). Midpoint above EMA(10). Failed its 0.0% retrace (1801.00). Still above all SMA's. Tested and held its 38.2% minor retrace (1740.31). No daily 3LB changes (reversal is 1666.30). Must have the precious.

Bullish long day (2nd day of three white soldiers?). Midpoint above EMA(10). Tested and held its 61.8% minor retrace (1.0803). New high on daily 3LB (reversal is 1.0296).

Bearish thrusting day. Midpoint below EMA(10). Still failing all SMA's. Holding its 0.0% retrace (36.35). Held above its 61.8% minor retrace (37.38). No daily 3LB changes (reversal is 39.59).

Bearish harami day. Failing all SMA's. Midpoint below EMA(10). Held above its 0.0% retrace (21.73). Still below the upper trend line. No daily 3LB changes (reversal is 24.58).

Spinning top day (also bearish harami). Still failing all SMA's. Midpoint below EMA(10). Tested and held its 38.2% minor retrace (85.30). No dally 3LB changes (reversal is 91.93).

Bullish short day. Tested and held SMA(89). Midpoint below EMA(10). Held above its 50.0% retrace (37.94). No daily 3LB changes (reversal is 40.70).

Bearish thrusting day. Midpoint below EMA(10). Failing all SMA's. Held its 0.0% retrace (36.55). Tested and failed its 38.2% minor retrace (39.08). No daily 3LB changes (reversal is 42.34).

Bearish harami day. Failing all SMA's. Midpoint below EMA(10). No test of its 0.0% retrace (0.7427). Tested and failed its 50.0% minor retrace (0.7634). No daily 3LB changes (reversal is 0.7928).

Bearish short day. Midpoint below EMA(10). Still below all SMA's. Tested and held its 38.2% retrace (76.561). No daily 3LB changes (reversal is 79.01). Calling BoJ. Calling BoJ. The ball is in your court. Maybe they didn't hear me. "Bōru wa anata no saibansho ni aru"

Spinning top day. Still failing SMA(21). Midpoint above EMA(10). Tested and failed its 61.8% minor retrace (379.60). No daily 3LB changes (reversal is 398.50).