Morning Audibles 12.22.10

It's getting a bit tricky to know what you can and cannot afford to eat each day (besides your normal everyday "C", or "K" rations - "C" or "K" depending on which way you prefer to spell kcatfood)...

Looky there, you even have a packet of smokes (that you can lose in a poker game against Obama, or Jamie Dimon & some matches to set yourself on fire with once you realize that "hope & change" really meant hope FOR change [as in "pocket" change] unless you happen to have one of those FAT government or banking jobs)...
But I'm here to help... Here's what's on (& what's NOT on the breakfast menu for today)...

1. ORANGE JUICE - Forgeddaboutit!... The "music died" the day Anita Bryant sang her last concert...
COFFEE - If you're into Starbucks (SBUX) Caramel Macchiatos, (which also require SUGAR - unless you like to Juan Valdez it)...It's going to be tough sledding (or, you better hope you have a sled to get to (SBUX) because... #3 CRUDE OIL - is up too...We'll get there in a minute... But first, (speaking of slays sleighs), not before you need to start planning that...

2. OATMEAL cookies are going to off limits for Santa's visit this year... If you were an obedient little liberal airhead, you may have long since made the switch to CORN based bio diesel... But that's up even more than crude... Worse, it requires a lot of WATER to grow corn, or otherwise perform geo-fraccing procedures to extract natural gas... But you don't have to worry about that, because some of TWSWB's self described "smartest people on the planet" will tell you no problemo...

I mean... the "logic" is... "Hey, water only goes up from a penny a gallon to 3 cents"... Right? What harm could that possibly do? Let's not bother with, whether or not the Ogallala Acquifer has been depleted 50% in the last few decades... We can just go back to "Dust Bowl" methods... They worked fine... Or, even if Obama has another unicorn that besides crapping skittles, also pissed water, that a rise in price from 1 penny to 3 pennies is STILL a 300% increase... I'm sure Barry's geniuses wouldn't mind applying that same logic to gasoline prices today... It's THAT easy, right?

Back to our breakfast menu... I'm thinking that because...

3. CRUDE OIL prices (and other fuels) are up... I gotta learn how to make an Egg McMuffin at home... Because as it turns out...

4a. LEAN HOGS (my Canadian Bacon)

4b. PORK BELLIES (I knew it)

4c. WHEAT (for the English Muffin)

are all flat to down... Hooray...

Let's let Betty from Kentucky show us how it's done...

Betty's sons best friend works at McDonald's and taught her the secret (I'm more fond of watching betty do it though)... Oh, and you have your handy "catfood" cans to serve as the egg poaching rings)

No "English Muffin" you say? No problem... As illustrated, "4c WHEAT" happens to be down, and these dudes can tell you how to solve the nook & cranny mystery...

The great thing about that is what CV always likes to describe as "scalability"... You could go all the way up the chain to Eggs Benedict... Or you could just go down home and go the "grits" route (hardly even need a stove for that)...

5. LUMBER & COTTON are the cheapest things out there, so a basic wood fire, or, better yet, burning all those worthless FRN's could be your answer there...

Glad you enjoyed our little "breakfast sermon" this morning... Now, when the markets open, go out there and JBTFD, and maybe you'll make enough money by the weekend to take in some more "grits" at the picture show this weekend...

bonus link - John Wayne - Best Actor - True Grit (1969)


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Mr Bond said...

HYG up, which means something else is coming down….

The Bond Report 12.22.10

Today was fairly dull. At the longer end it was slightly risk on, and the TIPS spread continued to widen, so if you were long TIP:short TLT (the Reflator) then you were in business. Seriously, I think they all went home already, to Glencoe and Winnetka, leaving only a few bots trading in Chicago.

Corpies: LQD -0.08%; AGG -0.12%; JNK -0.15%; HYG 0.28%
Govies: TLT -0.71%; IEI -0.16tip%; TIP -0.07%
Hedgies: TBT 1.25%

We spent most of the day indulging in the usual silliness and banter. Long HYG and TIP, with a pinch of LQD. Extra moisture...

Anonymous said...

I gotta roll too peeps

might not be around the next few days so I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, etc. etc. etc.

All the best!

Anonymous said...

"...With the “compromise” on Internet neutrality, President Obama has betrayed another campaign promise, and this time has no excuse that the Republicans made him do it. The outcome was really never in doubt, since Obama named as his FCC chairman a man who helped make radio and television into a corporate wasteland, under Bill Clinton’s administration.

The Federal Communications Commission’s failure to ensure Internet neutrality signals the beginning of a kind of Oklahoma land rush up and down the digital highways. The FCC has fired the starting pistol to allow giant telecommunications corporations to make their mad dash into what was formerly public space, and stake their own, private claims while charging rent and tolls and fees from horizon to horizon. We, the public, are to be treated like the Indians of Oklahoma, in 1889, dispossessed in favor of business and commerical interests. President Obama is the Great Father in Washington who spoke with forked tongue when he swore that he would “take a backseat to no one” in the cause of Internet neutrality.

President Obama, of course, controls a majority on the FCC, and is ultimately responsible for the commission’s decision. He can’t claim that the Republicans forced his hand by holding anything hostage. No, Obama stabbed Internet neutrality in the back because that’s the job description of a corporate politician – to facilitate the orderly dispensing of public property to private pockets.

The FCC decision was described as a “compromise” between public and corporate interests. Politicians like Barack Obama believe that corporations have an inalienable right to make ever-increasing profits, and that right supersedes any claims by the non-corporate citizenry..."


Anonymous said...


have a nice Holiday~

remember what's Good, let the rest slide..


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