AmenRa's Corner

A place where a skillful caddy always offers cool contemplation when it comes to your "stick" selection.

Creditcane™: My nickname is Event Horizon. I mock thee Turnaround Tuesday.

Spinning top day (possible morning star? I hope not). Midpoint below EMA(10). Failed SMA(89). Further below trend line (3/6/09-7/1/10). Failing the 38.2% retrace (1324.16). New low on daily 3LB (reversal is 1329.47). QE2infinity. "JBTFD. Any questions?"

Dark cloud cover day. Midpoint above EMA(10). No test of 0.0% retrace (72.70). Tested and failed SMA(89). Failed its 38.2% retrace (75.99). No daily 3LB changes (reversal is 74.84).

Bearish short day. Midpoint above EMA(10). Back below SMA(144), SMA(89) & SMA(55). Failing its 23.6% retrace (18.28). No daily 3LB changes (reversal is 18.40). Trying to escape the "no fear" zone.

Bullish short day. Midpoint above EMA(10). No test of 0.0% retrace (1577.40). Held SMA(21). Tested and held its 23.6% retrace (1514.39). No daily 3LB changes (reversal is 1556.40). Holding above upper trend line. Must have the precious.

Spinning top day. Midpoint below EMA(10). Tested and held SMA(21) but failed SMA(144). Still below parallel trend line. Barely holding lower trend line. No daily 3LB changes (reversal is 0.8854).

Bearish LONG day. Midpoint below EMA(10). Failed SMA(21). No test of 0.0% retrace (40.93). Failed its 23.6% retrace (40.61). No daily 3LB changes (reversal is 40.49).

Bearish long day. Still below all SMA's. Midpoint below EMA(10). No test of 0.0% retrace (30.98). Still below the upper trend line. No daily 3LB changes (reversal is 32.30).

Bullish piercing day. Held SMA(144). Midpoint below EMA(10). No test of 0.0% retrace (114.83). Held its 61.8% retrace (98.41). No dally 3LB changes (reversal is 111.41).

Bullish long day. Held SMA(89). Midpoint below EMA(10). Testing the upper trend line. Held its 61.8% retrace (35.28). Daily 3LB reversal up (reversal is 33.49). ""You want delivery! You can't handle the delivery!"

Spinning top day. Midpoint below EMA(10). Tested and held its 14.6% retrace (338.44). No daily 3LB changes (reversal is 336.48). Still below monthly 3LB reversal price.

RBOB Gasoline
Bullish long day. Midpoint below EMA(10). Held SMA(89). No test of 0.0% retrace (3.42). Tested and held its 50.0% retrace (2.94). No daily 3LB changes (reversal is 3.09).

Spinning top day. Midpoint below EMA(10). Tested and failed SMA(89). New low on daily 3LB (reversal is 1540.91). Still below weekly 3LB reversal price. TMI (total market index)= S&P 500 + S&P Completion Index.



AmenRa said...
Statement by the IMF Executive Directors Representing Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa on the Selection Process for Appointing an IMF Managing Director

IMF: Christine who??? Ummmm no.

cv said...

"We believe that, if the Fund is to have credibility and legitimacy... It should result in the most competent person being appointed as Managing Director"


Well if that's all you desire, then just hold a US style election, and encourage a bunch of Peggy Joseph's to vote early & often...

cv said...

That's really the kind of stuff that makes one want to wake up early in the morning and trade paper capital markets!!!

cv said...

That... & this...

The (TICOTUS) "Teleprompter In Chief of the United States" doesn't seem to know what year it is...

Anonymous said...

"No, no. I have been practicing...I bowled a 129. It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something."

"I didn't want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any seances."

"The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system."

"What I was suggesting -- you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith..."

"UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It's the Post Office that's always having problems."

"I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

"The Cambridge police acted stupidly."

"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"One such translator was an American of Haitian descent, representative of the extraordinary work that our men and women in uniform do all around the world -- Navy Corpse-Man Christian Brossard."

"I've now been in 57 states — I think one left to go."

"He's a jackass"

any others?

cv said...

See what happens when you remove the teleprompter???

If only he'd get a better birth certificate forger... I might be impressed (the way BR & company are)...

cv said...

But he seems to have the 'CZAR' thing down pat...

cv said...


I have nothing more to offer on that last comment other than to say...

"More BEARDS"... Telling you imbeciles how you need to live your lives & what's acceptable & what not (because they are the 'righteous' liberal thinkers)...

I've already seen enough BLOGS that perform that function...

Andy T said...

I'm lurking around...lot o' end of the School year functions, awards ceremonies...etc, etc...

Think 1/2 the 6th grade class was on the Honor Roll. Not sure what that means.

Andy T said...

"I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."


cv said...

At the moment... the "wealth spreading" happens to be flowing towards...

Guess who...

cv said...

...or, I suppose this was all just those individual account holders with TD Ameritrade whose "pattern recognition software" fired off the trade in the afterhours...

I hope you collected your share of FIAT today!

Anonymous said...

5 down completed on Russell at 800.5 - 3 up on deck.

wunsacon said...

Denninger's video re birth certificate was quite interesting, though Karl says he still thinks Obama was, more likely than not, born in the USA.

But, the "assembled" birth certificate should makes me wonder.

qqqq said...

@wunsa, I haven't seen KD's but have seen the PDF files and a couple youtube vids on it, something does seem strange.

@AT, 18's 1296-1305 tomorrow, if hit might signal a buy, temporary buy anyway... what's your charts/gut say? (if ya have the time)

Anonymous said...

If only Dostoyevsky had stuck to his skepticism - which was plainly the wellspring for his more memorable works - he might have been one of Russia's greatest writers.

b22 said...

Heat bring it strong, James shut MVP down tonight.

AmenRa said...

NYU Stern Systemic Risk Rankings:

The RISK page of the Volatility Laboratory presents a variety of risk measures for major US Financial Firms. These measures are updated weekly and reveal several dimensions of risk. Historical estimates of each of these risk measures can be plotted to see the changing performance of individual firms.

A financial firm will be unable to function when the value of its equity falls to a sufficiently small fraction of its outstanding liabilities. In good times, such a firm will likely be acquired, may be able to raise new capital or may face an orderly bankruptcy. If this capital shortage occurs just when the financial sector is already financially constrained, then the government faces the question of whether to rescue the firm with taxpayer money as other avenues are no longer available. In the theoretical analysis of Acharya, Pederson, Phillipon and Richardson (2010), such a capital shortage is damaging to the real economy as the failure of this firm will have repercussions throughout the financial and real sectors. Consequently a firm is systemically risky if it is likely to face a capital shortage just when the financial sector itself is weak.

Full List

AmenRa said...

Futures looking like there's blood in the water...

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